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Just Being Me - Safety Strategies - Book B

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£32.95 - PDF download only

Just Being Me - Safety Strategies - Book B

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£32.95 - PDF download only
This two book series provides practical and accessible support materials for teachers of upper primary students in the key learning area of mental health. Book A focuses on skills, values and attitudes. It aims to help students understand: the value of individuals and their right to be as they are; respect for differences and awareness of stereotypes; the power of communication; the management of anger and stress; and dealing with grief, loss, and facing change with a positive and courageous spirit. Book B focuses on safety strategies arising from alcohol and other drugs, harassment and abuse, the stress and anger of others, risk-taking behaviour, as well as an exploration of social justice and what it requires of us. In both books, each student activity page is supported by a comprehensive teacher ideas page.


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